Installation of Notepad ++
Follow the following steps to install NotePad ++
Step 1:
Download the notepad ++
To download notepad ++ ClickHere
Step 2:
After downloading the file extract it
If you dont know about extracting files and Zip Files
To learn to extrach and zip File ClickHere
Step 3:
After extraction:
Double click the file and install it on you computer
After completion of installation you will get the working are page as following image:
Ready to Use
Step 1:
Download the notepad ++
To download notepad ++ ClickHere
Step 2:
After downloading the file extract it
If you dont know about extracting files and Zip Files
To learn to extrach and zip File ClickHere
Step 3:
After extraction:
Double click the file and install it on you computer
After completion of installation you will get the working are page as following image:
Ready to Use
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